Kansas City – May 11-13, 2016

You won’t want to miss the 3rd Annual Midwest Environmental Compliance Conference, May 11-13, 2016 at the Overland Park Marriott, Overland Park, Kansas.

This conference, will provide a regional perspective on the RCRA, Air and Wastewater compliance issues you care about every day, including enforcement and policy/regulation changes.

Mark your calendar now and plan to attend:  May 11-13, Overland Park, KS

In partnership with

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We are grateful for the input and participation of

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Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for attending this conference have been approved as follows:  Iowa, 11.75 hours; Missouri, 13.7 hours; Nebraska, 1.33 hours.

This conference is produced by RAWalker & Associates. Contact Roger Walker at rawalkerassociates.com