
View the agenda here.

Day 1 Schedule
Thursday, October 29

7:15 am  Registration & Continental Breakfast

Staff Training/Update (Three Tracks open to all registered attendees) 7:45 – 10:30 am

Track One

7:45 am  New(er) Staff Training/Refresher
Best Resources for EHS Regulatory Information
How to identify new laws/rules/guidance, and effectively participate in the rule development and adoption process
How to Elevate and Explain Environmental Issues to Upper Management and Political Appointees
Improving Facility Relationships with Local, State and Federal Agencies
RYAN SWEETWOOD, Burns & McDonnell
Understanding EPCRA reporting, Tier I/II, Form R
Top Five Common Hazardous Waste Violations and Best Practices
The Changing Landscape for RCRA Generators

ROGER WALKER, RAWalker & Associates (Moderator)

Track Two

7:45 am  Seasoned Staff Updates
The Most Commonly Cited NPDES Violations
Understanding Attorney Client Privilege, Confidential Business Information and the Work Product Doctrine

CHRIS DOLAN, Faegre Baker Daniels
How and When to Hire an Outside Consultant
Managing the relationship, aligning purpose, open communications, etc.
How to Prepare for Wastewater Permits, and Monthly DMRs
FRANK CAPIC, Burns & McDonnell
Coal Ash Rule Impact on Utilities and CCR Products
JEFF POPE, Burns & McDonnell
Clarifying Title V Permit Condition Language and Compliance Certification—Why Language and Documentation Matter
WILLIAM P. HEFNER, Environmental Law Group

MARTIN HAMPER, GZA Environmental (Moderator)

Track Three

7:45 am  Crash Course in NSR/PSD Permitting
A review of key concepts, strategies, common pitfalls; understanding the respective roles of USEPA and States; managing public engagement; and other critical information for those charged with this difficult permitting task.
JOHN IWANSKI, Trinity Consultants
OLIVIA LUCAS, Faegre Baker Daniels

Day 1 Plenary Sessions

Thursday, October 29 (11:00 am – 2:45 pm)

Pick up your box lunch before entering the room.

Welcome and Introduction
ANDY SUCH, Michigan Manufacturers Association

11:00 am  US EPA Regional Priorities
SUSAN HEDMAN, Regional Administrator, US EPA Region 5

11:30 am  A Conversation on Emerging Water Issues with State and Federal Regulators
Emergent nutrient control strategies, WOTUS impacts, stormwater management, SSMPW, climate change, and other water quality issues
MARCIA WILLHITE, Chief, Bureau of Water, IL EPA
PETER OSTLUND, Assistant Chief, Water Resources Division, Michigan DEQ

       FRED ANDES, Barnes and Thornburg (Moderator)

12:25 pm  Next Generation Compliance
A review of the ongoing efforts of USEPA to reinvent compliance utilizing new technologies, data collection/analysis, smarter permits, advanced emissions testing and reporting, and greater transparency
DAVID HINDIN, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance, USEPA

       DEL EHRICH, Faegre Baker Daniels (Moderator)

1:25 pm  Break

1:40 pm  In the Age of Transparency—NGO Influence on Environmental Regulation and Public Perception
With reduced resources and a federal environmental agenda built on transparency, more information is available by federal and state regulators for easy viewing. NGOs and community groups are well funded, informed and are pursuing agendas via a range of regulatory & enforcement strategies. We will explore the ways NGOs and community activism are influencing environmental regulatory decisions and public perception, and what we can do about it.

2:15 pm  States as the Engine of Creativity
Best practices, ideas to share, lessons learned, and other tips from Region 5 state agencies

Reinventing Michigan’s Environmental Regulatory Programs
DAN WYANT, Director, Michigan DEQ
Ohio Innovations to Enhance Service to Businesses and Communities

LAURIE STEVENSON, Deputy Director of Business Relations, Ohio EPA
Minnesota: Alternative Air Quality Inspection Strategy
SARAH KILGRIFF, Supervisor, Air Quality Compliance & Enforcement, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
Wisconsin’s Green Tier Program
LAUREL SUKUP, Section Chief for Business Support, Wisconsin DNR

       MARK DENZLER, VP & COO, Illinois Manufacturers’ Association (Moderator)

3:10 pm  Networking Break


Concurrent breakout sessions led by state agencies

Track One

3:30 pm  Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

                                Alternative Air Quality Inspection Strategy
SARAH KILGRIFF, Supervisor, Air Quality Compliance and Enforcement, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
New Online Interface for Water Quality Data Management
Elimination of MPCA Citizen’s Board – Impacts on Permitting
JEFF STOLLENWERK, Industrial Water Section Manager, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

       KENNETH H. PODPESKAR, Environmental Law Group (Moderator)

Track Two

3:30 pm  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Permitting and Customer Service, a Joint Venture
Affirming Delegated Authorities, States’ role v. USEPA’s role

PATRICK STEVENS, Division Administrator, Division of Air, Waste and Remediation & Redevelopment, Wisconsin DNR
Wisconsin’s Green Tier Program

                                LAUREL SUKUP, Section Chief for Business Support, Wisconsin DNR


Track Three

3:30 pm  Indiana Department of Environmental Management
NANCY KING, Office of Legal Counsel, IDEM
VALERIE TACHTIRIS, Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Legal Counsel, IDEM
HALA KUSS, Director, Northern Regional Office, IDEM

Track Four

3:30 pm  Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

                                Permit and Enforcement Improvements – What does this mean for you?

                                                Emerging Air issues including Ozone, Clean Power Plan, etc.
ADAM WARD, Assistant Chief, Ohio EPA, Division of Air Pollution Control
Division of Surface Water Reorganization

                                                NPDES, PTI, Stormwater and 401 Program Updates

                                                Division-wide Compliance Initiatives.
TIFFANI KAVALEC, Chief, Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Legal and Enforcement Process Improvements

                                                Key Legal Issues and Emerging Priorities for Ohio EPA State and Federal Interaction
– Cleveland Harbor Dredging Litigation with US ACE
– Improved Communication between OGC, Regional Counsel and States
– Improvements to Ohio EPA enforcement processes—chasing statewide consistency
CINDY HAFNER, Chief Legal Counsel, Ohio EPA
Compliance Strategies for Business—Making Things Easy
LAURIE STEVENSON, Deputy Director, Business Relations, Ohio EPA

Track Five

3:30 pm  Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
The Inconvenient Truths of Waste Management and Sustainability
BRYCE FEIGHNER, Chief, Office of Waste Mgmt & Radiological Protection, Michigan DEQ
Proposed Air Permit Rule Changes
LYNN FIEDLER, Chief, Air Quality Division, MI DEQ
Lake Erie Nutrient Control and Water Withdrawal in Michigan
PETER OSTLUND, Assistant Chief, Water Resources Div., MI DEQ
DEQ Priorities and Statewide Issues
DAN WYANT, Director, Michigan DEQ

Track Six

3:30 pm  Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

                                Permit Streamlining and Innovation
JOHN KIM, General Counsel, Illinois EPA
A Watershed Approach to Chlorides
MARCIA WILLHITE, Chief, Bureau of Water, Illinois EPA
Registration Program
JIM ROSS, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois EPA

5:15 – 6:30 pm  Reception


Conference Day 2

Friday, October 30

7:00 am  Full Breakfast


7:30 – 9:00 am

Track One

7:30 am  Great Lakes Issues and Impact on Industry

                                                Industry Engagement in Great Lakes Restoration
MARCY TWETE, Division Manager, Corporate Responsibility, Americas and Executive Director, USA Foundation, ArcelorMittal
Sediment Cleanup and Great Lakes Legacy Act
STEVE C. NADEAU, Coordinating Director, Sediment Management Work Group, Honigman
Emerging Great Lakes Issues
KATHRYN BUCKNER, President, Council of Great Lakes Industries
Indiana Great Lakes Initiative
BETH ADMIRE, Legal Office, IDEM, Natural Resources Trustee

       CAMERON A. DAVIS, Senior Advisor to Administrator Gina McCarthy, US EPA (Moderator)

Track Two

7:30 am  Regional Potpourri

                                                How USEPA’s New National Vapor Intrusion Policy Affects Midwestern Manufactures & Recommended Solutions
At some levels, vapors migrating into indoor air due to VI have potential to result in health risks to building occupants. This session covers recent changes in USEPA policy regarding VI, how this new national VI policy affects each R5 state, & discusses implications to stakeholders involved in risk management of properties where VI is a potential issue.
DAVE GILLAY, Barnes & Thornburg
A Primer on the US EPA Chemical Accident Risk Management Program Rule for Industrial Facilities
JOEL TRINKLE, Barr Engineering
Permit Shield under CWA
DANIEL DEEB, Schiff Hardin
Solvent Wipes Rule


       DANIEL DEEB, Schiff Hardin (Moderator)

Track Three

7:30 am Innovative Management
Environmental Compliance and Information Management Systems
Global Management Systems for Enterprise Compliance

MICHELLE REDFIELD, Schneider Electric
Appling Lean Manufacturing Concepts to Environmental Management

       JOSEPH TELL, Tellevate (Moderator)

9:00 am Networking Break


Welcome and Introduction
ROB BRUNDRETT, The Ohio Manufacturers’ Association

9:20 – 12:30 pm

9:20 am  Hot Topics in Remediation and Waste Materials Management
The last year has witnessed extraordinary trends in remediation (Superfund, Brownfields, & RCRA corrective action) and waste management (coal ash, definition of solid waste, financial assurances). Hear from one of the nation’s leading experts on cleanup and waste management policy changes & future directions that may affect your decision-making.
MARIANNE HORINKO, President, The Horinko Group

9:50 am  Regional and State Enforcement Priorities
This session addresses the interaction between state & federal enforcement, highlights key areas of regional concern, & addresses both US EPA and state priorities in air, waste and water.
ROBERT KAPLAN, Dep. Regional Administrator, USEPA Region 5
JOHN KIM, General Counsel, Illinois EPA
CINDY HAFNER, Chief Legal Counsel, Ohio EPA

       FRANCIS LYONS, Schiff Hardin (Moderator)

10:30 am  Compliance Auditing in a Changing World
How to protect the information you are gathering and how to handle the results, actions taken in response, recordkeeping, and reporting. This session will also examine the latest on audit disclosure opportunities at the federal and state levels.
Industry Auditing Program Demonstration
COULTER WOOD, Hormel Foods Corporate Services
Legal Considerations for Audit Program Managers
Top 10 Tips for Implementing an Effective Audit Program

11:30   am Regional Air Issues Roundtable
An adult conversation on NSPS, Ozone, PM2.5, SO2, transport, GHG Tailoring Rule, modeling, & more
JIM ROSS, Manager, Division of Air Pollution Control, Illinois EPA
LYNN FIEDLER, Chief, Air Quality Division, MI DEQ
PATRICK STEVENS, Division Administrator, Air, Waste and Remediation, Wisconsin DNR
ROB KALEEL, Executive Director, Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)

       LEE JOHNSON, Honigman (Moderator)

12:30 pm End of Conference